Wednesday, March 03, 2010

cause i want to be the gossip of the town!

After more than 6 months of being home during the day, i have found myself occasionally channel surfing in the midday time slot. Inevitably i'll stumble upon Dr. Phil. Some woman will be crying and saying something like "he always lies to me. i don't know why". and Dr. Phil will respond with "Sharon says that she is at a breaking point in her marriage. Let's take a look". Then we get footage of a camera capturing an argument in the couple's home.

My question is, if you are at your wits end and you realise you need to get help or your family is going to fall apart, why the hell do you choose to get help on Dr. Phil. Not only is his advice pretty shallow, it is also there for the whole world to see! your shut-in gossipy neighbour from next door is going to see "ooo! he had an affair on her!"

Why not just go to your local psychologist or counsellor where you are entitled to confidential help that won't be blabbed about to the whole neighbourhood?!

It baffles me too much. I switch off the tv after a few minutes.


Unknown said...

I prefer Mr Springer. Counselling value is just as shallow, but entertainment value rocks.

kris said...
