Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Saving the world, three people at a time

I recently did a radio spot on donating blood. For those of you who know me, you know that i have never donated in my life! I'm terrified of the idea of sitting in a chair with a needle sticking out my arm for 10 minutes. So why would i be so hypocritical and suggest that other people do it?

It started as a simple assignment to research blood donations. Once i started i realised it was going to be a lot more complicated than just simply putting words on paper. If i was going to write a script asking other people to give blood, i was going to have to be willing to give myself, which is a BIG ask!

In my searching i came across BloodSaves.com. It is an american site, but it was still very helpful. I found out that one donation of blood (1 pint or 470ml) can save up to three people! I learned that blood only has a shelf-life of a about week (depending on what part of the blood is being kept). This means that from one week to the next, new donations are needed.

I also learned that 30 per cent of the blood donated goes to help people who need it on a regular basis, such as leukaemia patients.

This got me thinking.

Still thinking....


It might just be worth my terror to give some blood.

Now would someone please remind me of this article next time the blood van comes to campus!?

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