Monday, June 08, 2009

kitty photoshoot!

It took putting them into the fishbowl only once to get them excited about playing in them. Even after the shoot was over, they sought out the fish bowls to play in them.

These kittens go back to the RSPCA on Thursday (11 June 09) If you are interested in adopting one of these beauties, please let me know. I will be happy to pass your name on to the RSPCA so they can hold the kitten for you.


Zombie Princess said...

Awwwww! adorable-ness!!!!

jenne said...

simple, yet so creative- did you have to coax any of these poses, or were they all natural kitty curiosity? i love these!

Melody said...

That is really cute. Showed it to D and he was particularly tickled by the pic where they both tried to squash into a bowl, and the fact that the kitten seem to crawl into the bowl itself! Very very cute.

I want a kitten now....;)

Anonymous said...

Oh no. They are going back and I wont see them again. I will miss the cuteness. I hope they get good homes.

Lachlan said...

Why does this remind me of that bonsaikitten website I saw years ago...

Adrian Jackson said...

I tend to be worried they'd go to sleep in a bowl and wake up to find they'd grown too large to get back out.

Like Lachlan's reference to Bonsai Kittens