Monday, March 07, 2005

Not for male eyes

Okay, ladies, I've got to share this with you. As you may know, we use far more disposable products then men. The main reason being the monthly visit from "aunt flow". I've been thinking that it would not only save a lot of money in the long run, but it would save a lot of landfill space, trees, and cotton (and all that goes with that) if we had another choice. Well, it turns out that we do! Kasper is selling "Glad Raggs". These environmentally friendly feminine hygiene products allow women the comfort of underpants while going a little easier on the environment.

So I sound like a walking advertisement, don't I? Well, its cause I really would like to try this. I mean, it would increase my washing, but...What is a little bit of extra washing compared to the smaller footprint I will leave?

There is, of course, the catch. I'm a student with no money. So until I get my own job and no longer have to pay school fees, I'll be using the cheap stuff:(

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