Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I'm sure you've heard of the American revolution, you've probably also heard of the French revolution and possible even the Industrial revolution. So why am I about to embark on a long rambling essay on what a revolution is? Simple, some people (including my history lecturer) doesn't seem to know. This is not to say she's stupid or anything, many leading Historians disagree on the meaning. But as Allen Steele says, "Perception is reality".This leads to the question, "what is my perception of revolution?" Well, here it is:

Revolution is a change in beliefs or thinking that causes, or attempts to cause, a new way of life to emerge, either culturally or politically. This change can take place over any number of years so long as there is not a lapse in movement of growth.

So by my definition I can count the current social and ecological awareness movement a revolution, right? I'm not sure. Because while it is a movement that is looking to change the way of life and politics for everyone around the globe, it isn't always an organised movement and it isn't always moving in one direction. Sometimes it takes an extreme approach while other times it takes a very moderate or even conservative step (usually backwards).

Hmmm...I guess I need to do some more research. I really HAVE to be able to define this better.

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