Thursday, November 24, 2005


After 4 years without it, I'm now celebrating Thanksgiving again. It is so very odd how easily I fall back into it. Mashed potatoes, gravy, roast, carrots, bread rolls...I remember the menu perfectly. This year is going to be different though. For the first time in my entire life, we're going to my grandmother's for Thanksgiving.

I love my grandmother to death. Unfortunately, as those who have met her will tell you, she isn't the friendliest person in the world. She has an incredibly sharp tongue that often lashes out at the nearest victim unexpectedly. This causes comments like, "well, haven't you gained a lot of weight!" This strikes fear into the very heart of my father.

So why are we going? Well, the basic reason is that she asked, I was excited about it, mother didn't say "NO!" so dad accepted. Everyone (including my grandmother) was shocked!

Today we will get in the car and drive 8 hours to her house. We'll pray that it works out. We'll pray no one dies...but in the end, it will be a miracle that gets us all thru in one piece.

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