Tuesday, August 09, 2005


There was a report on the news last night about a woman who woke up from a 20 year coma. According to the report she had knowledge of events and music that happened while in that comma. Immediately, the news reporter used this as evidence that we shouldn't "be so quick" to let a coma patient die.

BULLOCKS I say. For every one person that wakes up after 20 plus years there are hundreds more who NEVER wake up. There are two reasons this story made news here:

1. We just had a person die because they were taken off the machines instead of being forced to continue living. Therefore, it comments on current events

2. But mostly it adds fuel to the debate. It says that the hope that someone will wake up should be enough to pay thousands and thousands of dollars because one day, they might wake up! And if you don't do this, your being cruel because the person is still inside that being, although science and medicine both say there isn't much brain activity happening there.

Being that this is my blog and I like to mix things up...Try this on for size.

Even if there is a person who is aware in that comatose state, is it fair to the family to go through the mental trauma of having a family member but not having them? Is it fair to the children in the family to have the expense of a family member in hospital put upon them? Is it fair keep a spirit captured inside the brain with any way of expressing itself?

Maybe all these things are nothing. Maybe if I were put into a situation I would feel differently...But for now, I tend to think that death is better than a comatose life...For the patient and the family!

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