Friday, July 31, 2009


I need my american girl friend to come to my house ASAP! her dress making CAPE making skills are required. She made my awesomest cape ever when we were in high i need her to address the dress required for Terry Pratchett's death.

JENNE I NEED YOU! i'm sending out the seamstress signal!

1 comment:

Jenne said...

dee de duh deeeeee.....

i hear the seamstress signal!
to the sewing-machine-mobile!


unfortunately, my sewing machine is in need of repair, and i haven't sewn in, like, forever. (yes, high school was forever ago.)

what sort of project exactly is this dress? have you found a suitable pattern? maybe i can somehow help you beyond the barriers of space and time with my amazing mental powers. may the curse of jennifer be upon any force that impedes your needle and thread!