Monday, December 18, 2006

The downfall of me

Have you ever watched a really cheesy movie and then had the most dreaded reaction? I recently did. I watch the film Dead or Alive. This is a rip off of a computer game (or so I'm told) and it shamelessly insults the intelligence of all viewers. i loved it. For some reason i can't stop quoting the film. it is a very quotable movie! It is action packed (it doesn't bother with little things like plot) and it is amazingly fun. Of course, you had to pretend you did not have any sort of common sense and that your morals were on holiday.

But there is something quite enduring about a bunch of women who can just kick butt. They can kick butt in jeans so tight you have to sew them on. they can do it in high heals. They can do it soaking wet, they can do it while hanging upside down! They never show any physical sign of bruising, nor of any sort of intelligence (but maybe that is a side effect of all the fighting).

The point of this blog entry, i think I've lost my way.

1 comment:

mist1 said...

Stretch denim allows a wide range of movement.