Time: 7:30 pm this Saturday (31 May)
Place: Avondale College, Upper College Hall
cost: $5 at the door
Come...watch...be awed...or at least support me. You might be sorry if you don't:)
Free Speech is not something that happens naturally. We all must work to be understood. We must use carefully chosen words, pictures, and stories to illustrate what we are truely trying to say. Because it is only then that we can truely speak freely.
In the end it was a tie between spouses and pets that were the main source of happiness for readers. While children and hobbies tied for a close second place.
Perhaps the information that can be taken from this poll is that the main source of happiness can not be calculated for all people. We have different things in our life that bring out smiles and laughter.
It never ceases to amaze me how different we are. While we might all look similar (head, body, fingers and toes) there are so many different combinations of internal workings that make us unique.
I have often commented how similar I am to my best friends. We like the same foods, listen to the same songs, and re-act the same way to pressure…but the truth is we are often worlds apart. We pull our strengths from different places. We find our happiness and contentment where the other does not.
These differences help bond us together. Without them we might pass over the beauty and new understanding that can be found in friends.
The thought for the today then, CELEBRATE THE DIFFERENCE! We would be boring without it.
When anthropologists look back on history they can often feel a loss when an invading force takes over a culture. The invading force, in attempts to show its power, destroys the culture of the people. They may smash temples, defile sacred objects and in some cases rape women to further demonstrate their power over the people.
Today, we look in horror at these events of the past. Jews and Christians alike mourn the loss of Solomon’s temple. The academic world mourns the loss of many Mayan artefacts. Yet, humanity continues to repeat the failures of its ancestors.
A sniper in the
A study was done in 1971. A Stanford professor of psychology used his class to demonstrate how a prison psychology works. He built a make-shift prison. He assigned half the class to be prisoners and half the class to be guards. He would assume the role of Warden.
It took less only a few days for the students who were ‘guards’ to start demonstrating “genuine” sadistic behaviour towards prisoners. It took the prisoners only a few days to realise they had to take it.
If we allow those with the biggest gun to rule over those they are meant to protect, only fear can come out. It is only through mutual respect can we overcome the biggest obstacles that confront us. Degrading what others are and what they believe will not lead us on a path of peace.