Saturday, January 14, 2006

Life in context

Celebrity gossip seems to be something that the vast majority of the population just can't get enough of. It is something that we seem to crave to know. We MUST know who is pregnant, who is getting married and who is getting divorced and why! I was particularly appalled when one show mentioned the "painful" divorce of two (unnamed) celebrities. The host then went on to announce that full details of these divorces could be found at their website. What has become of our society when we market the pain of other people?? Have we reverted back to the days of the coliseum?

I've been reading about ancient European Kings and Queens. I was shocked to find the same sort of carnivorous nature displayed hundreds of years ago in royal palaces. Royal and noble families were the target of all manner of gossip, some true some false. Not only was gossip used for entertainment, it was used as political motivator and as justification for less than noble acts.

But what is the point today? Why do we need to know all the intimate details of celebrities lives? Some have suggested that we find out own lives so completely boring that we must immerse ourselves in something that is more fascinating than us. We forget that we have taken ordinary people, given them money and made them into our gods. We don't see that our need for this idol illustrates a hole that desperately needs to be filled.

And like the biblical Joshua, I cry "choose you this day whom you will spend time watching. But as for me I will spend my time enjoying a full life!"

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