While the day was a sombre one for many of the staff who have come to recognise the tree with Avondale, many have taken comfort in the fact that these two trees have had their offspring replanted in more appropriate locations.
One of the lecturers put it this way, " I hope the Songs of Bunya survive and flourish: by the time they have attained their full majesty we all will have passed through the escape hatch"
The smell of freshly cut timber is expected to hang in the air for the rest of the day. It will remind us of the joy that the trees brought to us and we will be thankful for the moments of quiet reflection they inspired in us.
Well... It's good they cut down the healthy tree too. Just in case, y'know.
Love the smell of freshly-cut wood, though.
WAHHHH *sob *sob I liked those trees
Sonja here - Clinton is saying we should capture the people who poisoned them and do something similar to them...
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