Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I got tagged!

1. What do you like most about where you live?

Well it isn't the early morning "moooo" call from our four-legged neighbours! I think what i like best about where i'm living now is that i'm close to my friends at college.

2. Is there anything strange about where you live?

Besides the four-legged neighbours and the uninvited black, winged guests that continually pester the flyscreen...nope.

3. What's one of your all-time favourite music albums, and why?

Hmmm....there are so many great ones...but the one i have yet to get bored with is "songs about jane" by maroon 5. I'm not sure why i like it so much...but i do!

4. Did you have a passion for something as a kid that you still have now? (If not - what is one of your passions now?)

As a kid i don't think there was much that i was introduced to that i wasn't passionate about (lets face it i was a very excitable kid) What i am still passionate about though is probably acting, theatre, performance. I love the idea of replaying and idea over and over in ways that connect with different people. Yes, i know its weird...

5. What do you like most about having a blog?

I like being able to put down my thoughts online for anyone to read and get feedback. I love it when people tell me i'm on the right track....don't like knowing that i've gone off the deepend, but i suppose i need to know that too!

Pick 3 (or more) people and give them the opportunity to be famous in their own lunchtimes! :)I'm tagging Lindsey and Sharona and Jen

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