Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Have u heard?

Our culture can be a wonderful thing. It can be a great way of expressing ourselves. It influences us in ways we don't even realise. I suppose that can be a problem. Culture seems like a babbling brook the way it transforms and changes, carrying us with it over time. The problem is when we try to move against it, we will find it is a raging rapid that is flowing in the opposite direction.

I'm not going to say that we should all try to fight our culture. I think there are aspects of each culture that should be cherished, but I do think it is a wise idea to step back and try and see our own culture for what it is really telling us.

Humour is often the best way to see ourselves. I love Adbusters. They work at helping society see its culture and weed out some of the stuff we really don't want in there. They specifically deal with the media culture, but its definitely worth a look.

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