Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mystery Solved

We regularly get a newspaper at our house. It isn't one that we particularly want, it just shows up. Now the mystery isn't how the paper gets there, I know that one, the paper girl brings it. The real mystery is why the edges are all ragged. It's like some tiny monster has taken it upon itself to hack the edges with a blunt sword! I was pondering why these small monsters would do such a thing while walking around the neighbourhood today. As I walked past a neighbour's house, I noticed that they had two large birds in their front yard. They were eating whatever they could find there. It suddenly made perfect sense! The birds were eating my paper not some small monster! A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I realised that I didn't have to start considering poison for small monsters. I mean after all, it's only a matter of time before the birds get ink poisoning.


bilbo said...

could be snails...

or even giant rabbits (but that would only be if you were living in china on the wrong side of the great wall - source:Bigpond)

kris said...

Oh NO! you mean i may have other culprits?? this case may not be closed after all!