Monday, March 19, 2007

no sex?!

There is a movie coming out (or maybe its already out, i can't remember) called Children of Men. It deals with the idea that humans, in the future, can no longer pro-create. Its a scary idea that humans should stop having children. It appears that the phanominon is already happening in Japan. But their lack of children doesn't seem to be from any medical problem. It stems from just not having sex.

Apparently one third of Japan's population hasn't had sex in at least a month! They are just too busy to take time for themselves. So while we already knew the married couples weren't having sex, it appears that even single men and women are forfitting sex for work.

Now admittedly i enjoy the good life. (Which in my case refers to lots of time by myself, a decent amount of time with my husband, and some of that time pro-creating as not to have children) I just can't imagine choosing to work instead of enjoy a little pleasure of the flesh!

I am beginning to think this is an epidemic. Asian countries have long been known for their strong work ethic and long hours...but studies are starting to show that other countries are following suit. America, Europe, Australia...all have had studies done in the last 2 years that suggest people are working longer and longer hours. They are more tired and less productive (and not just in the baby department)

How long before human kind forgets how to procreate!...

but i live in a bubble, so it doesn't affect me.


bilbo said...

how can one "pro-create" without having children?

I think what the word would be "recreate".

Anonymous said...

I haven't had sex in 23 years!

Brandon said...

I think some folks are going to have to compensate for this severe lack of sex... Anyone up for the challenge? ;)

kris said...

bilbo: you could be right

anon: we really didn't need to know

brandon: i'll do my best from this end:)

Lindsey Lou said...

This clearly explains why the Japanese girl in Babel tried to have sex as hard as her little heart could, but she got no takers.

Of course, maybe she got a taker at the end of the movie. I turned it off with like an hour to go because I was sick of seeing her naked.

Anonymous said...

i read something a while ago about how there are these "sex volunteers" in Japan. They are these men who are often married with children etc. but devote some of their time to brothel-esque places which cater to single women, who either can't find love, or are virgins in their 30s and 40s.

kris said...

Lin: its scary how often critically acclaimed movies annoy the general population.

Clank: EEPS!

Ida said...

Strange that people won't have sex because of work!

I only work to get money to have a nice free time, whatever it might be.

Brandon said...

How unusual - I found Babel to be an amazing film. It gave me a new perspective like few films do these days. It was more profound and enriching than similarly styled film Crash.

In my humble opinion, I think the Japanese girl was grasping at a human relationship that was not defined by her handicap. She was in isolation, looking for a way to be an everyday person. She wasn't horny - she was desperate. I think both she and the viewer come to that realization towards the end of the film...

I'd also like the mention that "she got no takers" not because of workaholism. It was because the men respected her and themselves. They intentionally choose not to take advantage of a convenient situation.

kris said...

Brandon: facinating perspective. Very indepth and profound. thanks for sharing it